All American Recordings and Notes
Pre-Event Questions and Answers from a Mix of Concerned Citizens
Before we recorded our Deep Dives into America's Economic and Education issues we asked participants to take an optional recorded pre-event survey as a way for all to see how people's perspectives changed after going through the event. Click on the topic below to jump to their answers to the question (link) below.
Q1: Tell Us A Little About Yourself...
Q2: Describe Your Socio-Political Identity...
Q3: What Do You Think of Politics Today?
Q4: What Would You Do If Your Were President?
Q10: Is the American Dream dying?
Q11: Does working hard and a good education still matter?
Q5: How important are America's economic issues to you?
Q6: Are you worried about another recession?
Q7: Who or What ended the Great Recession?
Q17: Are you worried about American jobs & manufacturing?
Q8: Are we winning or losing the "War on Poverty?"
Q9: Are you worried about America's shrinking middle-class?
Q12: What do you think about income & wealth inequalities?
Q18: Has worker pay tracked productivity gains?
Q19: Is CEO pay is out of line?
Q20: How much does a CEO make for every $100 sold?
Q15: Should we tax the rich more or less?
Q16: How does government size impact us?
Q13: Does “Trickle-Down Economics” work?
Q14: Does Redistribution help or hurt?
Q21: Is it time for a new economic system?
Q22: How important is K12 education to you?
Q23: How does K12 education compare today?
Q24: How relevant do you think education is today?
Q25: How do our kids perform internationally?
Q26: What reforms impact achievement most?
Q27: What do you think about educational spending today?
Q28: What would you do to turnaround schools?
Q29: What would you add, keep and cut?
Q30: What do you think about the state of college education?
Q31: Is there anything else you would like to say?